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Medifast & Weight Loss

 3 Things the Take Shape For Life Program will Teach You!

 I wanted to talk to you a little about the weight loss program that I use and how it has changed my life. I know that may sound a little drastic, but it is true. Food can change your life for good or for bad. Food can be used as a tool to keep you bound or to allow you to be in control. This was the main way that Medifast/ Take Shape For Life helped me. It consists of  prepackaged meal replacements and your own lean and green meals. Following the program not only helped me go from a size 18 to a 12 in 11 weeks , but it taught me to eat the proper things that my body required to sustain my weight loss. What can Take Shape for Life teach you? Here is my top 3 things:

 You will learn how to wean your body off of sugary, high carb , and high starchy foods in exchange for lean/ low carb meals.

Before I started Take Shape for Life, I was addicted to sugar! I had to have something sweet after every meal! Usually in the form of a candy bar or a sweet pastry. Well, I learned that there were plenty of substitution for the candy bars that I loved so much that were packed with good stuff like vitamins and almost no sugar. My favorite product is the S'more Church bar. It taste delicious and I found myself buying boxes and boxes every month of this item.

 You will learn how to go to the grocery store and  pick out the real healthy foods and weed out the foods that you THOUGHT were healthy. 

I was just telling a friend yesterday that it amazes me how some people think about food. For example, I was in the supermarket the other day and I saw a lady trying to decide between two different brands of yogurt, She was looking at Greek yogurt ( which is now allowed on Medifast!!! Yipppiiie) Affiliate link here:Fage Total Greek Yogurt, (500g) 17.6oz

 and some kids yogurt that contained a ton of sugar! The only thought in here mind was that the kids yogurt was cheaper so she chucked it in her cart and kept shopping. I wanted to stop her an explain the truth to her! It was then that I realized that people really know so little about what they are eating. They think they know but they are deceiving themselves and they are wondering why they are over weight. The truth will set you free! But it only works if you are willing to humble yourself and admit that what you are doing is not really working! I had to do this. It reminds me of the people that say, I am only eating a little bit a day, I don't understand why I'm overweight! Its because they are eating the wrong things but they don't really know it.

 You will learn to believe that you can actually lose the weight. 

When I started my weight loss journey,I was not sure that I would be able to get the weight off. With every day that passed I saw it was possible. I didn't have to live my life afraid of looking in the mirror. I didn't have to hide behind my kids in photos. I didn't have to FOOL myself by telling myself that "I had a pretty face, therefore it was OK that my body was overweight and unhealthy! I wanted to share a video that I put together about my weight loss journey, or as one of my clients says "Body Transformation" journey. I hope that this post has inspired to you to take the next step and get healthy!

If you need help losing weight please contact me. I would love to help you meet your goals send me and email for more info!

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